
Sunday, 23 September 2012

Marea Neagra / Black Sea

Marea Neagra

Stiati ca…?

Marea Neagra este cea mai mare structura acvatica anoxica din lume? Termenul de anoxie semnifica un “continut scazut de oxigen” sau chiar o  “lipsa de oxigen” si peste 90% din apa din Marea Neagra este lipsita de oxigen. Aceasta situatie se datoreaza faptului ca apa de la suprafata, care primeste oxigen din atmosfera, nu il poate transfera straturilor acvatice de adancime din cauza mai multor factori (cantitatea mare de sedimente din apa, densitatea crescuta etc).

la adancimi de peste 200 de metri, apa Marii Negre nu mai contine oxigen iar temperatura apei inregistreaza o valoare constanta de 9 grade Celsius? Din aceasta cauza, la adancimi mari, singurele specii existente sunt bacteriile anaerobe.
Marea Neagra este una din cele mai noi mari ale planetei? Specialistii afirma ca ea s-a format in perioada Mezozoica, atunci cand, prin ridicarea uscatului, vechiul Ocean Tethys a disparut si in locul lui au aparut mai multe mari sau cursuri de apa (Marea Neagra, Marea Caspica, Marea Mediterana etc) de-a lungul coastelor Marii Negre, in zona Turciei, traiesc unii din ultimii vorbitori de limba greaca pontica? Acest dialect a apartinut comunitatii grecilor stabiliti in Turcia care insa au emigrat in Grecia dupa primul razboi mondial. Astazi, acest dialect mai este utilizat doar de cativa vorbitori, in majoritate batrani, nivelul de salinitate al apei este unul foarte mic? Acesta se situeaza in jurul valorii de 17% si este cauzat de numeroasele cursuri de apa dulce care se varsa aici (Dunarea fiind cel mai important dintre ele).

din cauza nivelului scazut de salinitate, biodiversitatea din Marea Neagra are de suferit? Majoritatea speciilor marine au nevoie de un nivel al salinitatii de minim 20% pentru a se putea dezvolta corespunzator, adancimea maxima a Marii Negre este de 2.200 de metri? Aceasta valoare, mai exact 2.212 metri, este atinsa in apropierea tarmului turcesc al marii, cea mai mare cantitate de apa proaspata care alimenteaza Marea Neagra provine de la raurile care sa varsa in ea? Astfel, anual, 369 km cubi de apa sunt adusi de rauri iar 224 km cubi provin din precipitatiile atmosferice anual, prin evaporare, 395 de km cubi de apa se pierd din Marea Neagra?Lungimea coastelor Marii Negre este de 4340 km? Suprafata Marii Negre este de 423.000 km  in timp ce volumul ei este de 550.000 km, exista doar trei specii de mamifere marine care traiesc in aceasta mare? Cea mai cunoscuta dintre ele o reprezinta delfinii.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bosquito versuri / lyrics

Membrii trupei:

Radu Almasan 
Dorin Tapu
Austin Jesse Mitchell 
Ciprian Ioan Pascal

Bosquito feat. Ovidiu Lipan Tandarica - Intuneric in culori 

1.Pe la 16 ani, la o ceasca de cafea
De-o tigancă m-am indragostit lulea
Si panică, nu stiu, poate cs-s cam urat, io
Că din toate femeile pe niciuna n-am avut, io

Ooo, fata mea de caramea
Ooo, strengareste imi zicea
Ooo, ia-o mai usor
Te invat eu tot, te invat amor

Refren: Da-mi o mie de fiori
Da-mi o mie de fiori
Imi cerea adeseori
Si viata ne iubea, ne iubea

Vreau o mie de fiori
Vreau o mie de fiori
Intuneric în culori
Si lampa o stingea, o stingea.

2.Scumpul meu naiv, eu prin multe am trecut
Si prin alte tari multe am mai vazut
Vezi că oamenii se omoară din prostie
Si ca se războiesc pentru bancnotele de hartie

Ooo, tu sa cauti dragostea
Ooo, nu contează altceva
Ooo, asa-mi spunea tiganca mea, tiganca mea
Ooo, asa-mi spunea iubita mea, iubita mea

Refren:Da-mi o mie de fiori
Da-mi o mie de fiori
Imi cerea adeseori
Si viata ne iubea, ne iubea

Da-mi o mie de fiori
Da-mi o mie de fiori
Intuneric în culori
Si lampa o stingea, o stingea

3.Sunt atatia ani de cand iubita mi-a plecat
Si inca ma trezesc cu fluturi in stomac
Si iubesc soarele si cerul si vantul
Si am iubire-n mine cat sa-nvaluie tot pamantul

Ooo, fata mea de caramea
Ooo, mi-ai dat fericirea ta
Ooo, te iubesc si acum ca un nebun, ca un nebun
Ooo, te iubesc si acum ca un nebun, ca un nebun

Refren: Da-mi o mie de fiori
Da-mi o mie de fiori
Imi cerea adeseori
Si viata ne iubea, ne iubea

Da-mi o mie de fiori
Da-mi o mie de fiori
Intuneric în culori
Si lampa o stingea, o stingea

Bosquito- Tobogan

1.Azi e ziua mea
Dar-ar dacii-n ea sa dea
Inc-un an, inc-un an 
S-a mai dus pe tobogan
E ziua mea
Tine-oglinda n-o misca,
Paru-i alb, sta rebel
Insa zambetu-i la fel, la fel.


Refren: Timpul trece
Ma lasa rece
Pe dinauntru am ramas la fel, ieieie
Timpul trece
Da' ma lasa rece
De nu stiu cate primaveri, ieieie
Paru-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba,
Chipu-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba, a, a, a.

2.Azi e ziua mea
Rad cu pofta si se ia
Inc-un an, inc-un an 
S-a mai dus pe tobogan
Iubita mea
Rock and roll pe canapea
Pe sub riduri, peste ani
Noi ramanem doi pustani, pustani.

ie,ie,ie,ie ie ie...

Refren: Timpul trece
Ma lasa rece
Pe dinauntru am ramas la fel, ieieie
Timpul trece
Da' Ma lasa rece
De nu stiu cate primaveri, ieieie
Paru-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba,
Chipu-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba, a, a, a.


Timpul trece
Ma lasa rece
Pe dinauntru am ramas la fel, ieie
Timpul trece
Ma lasa rece
De nu stiu cate primaveri, ieieie
Paru-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba,
Chipu-mi schimba
Da` naravul ba
Niciodata nu ma voi schimba
Dar niciodata nu ma voi schimba, a, a, a.

Bosquito - Cand ingerii pleaca

1.De o noapte tot te privesc
Si ma arde vina,
Ca nu pot vreodata sa-ti spun
Ca imi esti lumina...

Dormi usor si-n brate ma ierti
Si-mi respiri in mana
Tu ti-ai pus si-n suflet chiezas
Iar eu-ti dau furtuna

Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt eu
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingerii pleaca...

2.Esti frumoasa asa cum nu e
Si cum n-a fost nimeni;
Te privesc si iar n-o sa-ti spun
Ca si ieri si maine.

Cand ma imbrac cu zambetul tau
Ooorice iad dispare
Ca zapada ninsa-n desert
Dimineata-n soare...

Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt eu
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau

Cand ingerii pleaca
Cand ingerii cad
Mai ascunde-ma odata
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingerii pleaca...

3.Viata mea a fost ca un vant
Care bate-n prora,
M-a muscat de suflet mereu
Floare carnivora.

Ai rabdare copil al meu
Inima-mi dezleaga
Si-ai sa vezi ca eu m-am nascut
Sa te fac intreaga

Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt eu
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau

Cand ingerii pleaca
Cand ingerii cad
Mai ascunde-ma odata
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingeriï pleaca...

Bosquito - M-ai dat peste cap

1.  O zi de marti te-a adus in viata mea
Habar n-aveam ca erai a altuia 
Si-n ziua aceea dulce-acra ca si vinul
In ochii tai eu mi-am gasit destinul 

Refren: Tu m-ai dat cu totul peste cap 
Inima imi arde la protap
Cand ne iubim in cearceafuri reci
Te strang la piept nu cumva sa pleci 
Tu m-ai dat cu totul peste cap

2. Pe drumul meu multe fete au trecut,
Insa asa dracoaica n-am vazut
In ochii tai se intalnesc cerul si marea,
Ucigatoare-ti este sarutarea * 2

Refren: Tu m-ai dat cu totul peste cap
Inima imi arde la protap
S-a sfaramat de atata foc
Eu mi-o repar, tu mi-o frangi la loc
Tu m-ai dat cu totul peste cap * 2 


Sa cante chitara cantec despre cine
Face sa iti fiarba sangele in vine !
Cine oare iti zambeste atat de frumos,
Dar iti ia fericirea si-o scapa pe jos ?
Cine in turbare sufletul iti crapa
Insa fara ea esti ca marea fara apa ? (marea fara apa)
Cine cand rade-i frumoasa ca luna
Si cand se-ncrunta aduce furtuna?

Da, femeia * 2
 oh,femeia ta !

Cine se hraneste cu zilele tale,
Insa fara ea esti ca plaja fara soare ?(plaja fara soare)
Cine te seduce pentru a mia oara
Cu privirea lunga, dulce, de fecioara ?
Cuprinde-o in brate si devine fiara,
Da, devine fiara! (da, devine fiara!)
Cine cand rade-i frumoasa ca luna
Si cand se-ncrunta aduce furtuna?

Da, femeia * 2
 oh,femeia ta !

Cine cand rade-i frumoasa ca luna
Si cand se-ncrunta aduce furtuna?

Da, femeia * 2
 oh,femeia ta !

Bosquito - Nu am rabdare

1.Nici nu stii de cand te vanez
Ma saruti cand tu nu visezi
Nebuneste vreau acum sa ne iubim...
Insetata ma imbratisezi
Dar deodata te departezi
Si imi spui c-ar fi mai bine sa ne oprim.

Nu am rabdare
Da, de dorul tau
Nu am rabdare, 
Da, da, simti ca iei foc
E pentru mine un chin
Stii ca nu pot sa ma abtin.

Nu am rabdare
Da, de dorul tau
Nu am rabdare, 
Da, da, simti ca iei foc
Sunt iubaret, stii prea bine
Sangele fierbe in mine/Stinge vulcanul din mine
Nu am rabdare...

2.Vreau sa-ti stiu toate tainele
Sa-ti arunc toate hainele
Si sa mi te dai asa cum am visat...
Dar imi spui foarte limpede
Ca te iau mult prea repede
Ca asa curand nu ajungi la mine in pat.


3.Peste timp in loc de salut
Ma intampini cu sarut
Dar imi pare rau, fiorul a trecut
Azi imi spui ca mi te dai toata
Dar m-asteapta o alta fata
Care-mi place tare
Ca nici ea n-are rabdare
Da, n-are deloc...


Sunday, 19 August 2012




   What can be more beautiful than to wore a kimono as a geisha do?! 

    Well, first of all, kimono is a Japanese traditional type of clothing worn by women, children and men,which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing")Kimonos can be made of silk, wool, cotton, linen or synthetic material.     
    Nowadays, the kimono it is used on special occasions. Is it beautiful and unique in the world.
   There are different types of kimono, in different colors and models.
Geisha can't be a geisha without a kimono, but men, women, children, even manga and anime character wore it too.
Married couple


basic elements of kimono
basic elements of kimono
  • Dōura: upper lining on a woman's kimono.
  • Eri : collar.
  • Fuki: hem guard.
  • Furi: sleeve below the armhole.
  • Maemigoro : front main panel, excluding sleeves. The covering portion of the other side of the back, maemigoro is divided into "right maemigoro" and "left maemigoro".
  • Miyatsukuchi: opening under the sleeve.
  • Okumi: front inside panel situated on the front edge of the left and right, excluding the sleeve of a kimono. Until the collar, down to the bottom of the dress goes, up and down part of the strip of cloth. Have sewn the front body.
  • Sode: sleeve.
  • Sodeguchi: sleeve opening.
  • Sodetsuke: kimono armhole.
  • Susomawashi: lower lining.
  • Tamoto: sleeve pouch.
  • Tomoeri: over-collar (collar protector).
  • Uraeri: inner collar.
  • Ushiromigoro: back main panel, excluding sleeves, covering the back portion. They are basically sewn back-centered and consist of "right ushiromigoro" and "left ushiromigoro", but for wool fabric, the ushiromigoro consists of one piece.

Some accessories:

Geta are wooden sandals worn by men and women with yukata. One unique style is worn solely by geisha.
Obi is the sash worn with kimono.
Tabi are ankle-high, divided-toe socks usually worn with zōri or geta. There also exist sturdier, boot-like jikatabi, which are used for example to fieldwork.
Yukata is an unlined kimono-like garment for summer use, usually made of cotton, linen, or hemp. Yukata are strictly informal, most often worn to outdoor festivals, by men and women of all ages. They are also worn at onsen (hot spring) resorts, where they are often provided for the guests in the resort's own pattern.
Zōri are traditional sandals worn by both men and women.Their formality ranges from strictly informal to fully formal. They are made of many materials, including cloth, leather, vinyl and woven grass, and can be highly decorated or very simple.

When choosing and wearing kimono, one must take a several things to account. This is often the reason why modern Japanese women don't feel comfortable to wear kimono, since they are worried of breaking the multidimensional kimono etiquette. Several things matter:
  • Wearer's Age
  • Quality and Formality of Occasion
  • Season
  • Wearer's taste
  • One's Class

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Mugunghwa - Rose of Sharon - Korea national flower

   More than a symbol, Rose of Sharon is for south korean people their national flower. The name comes from "mugung" and means immortality. As a symbol appears on many documents and on the National Emblem of South Korea.
    Mugunghwa is mentioned about 1,400 years ago.
Some photos that I've found:

In the Bible, the Rose of Sharon symbolizes beauty.

This plant grows in Asia, including India, Korea and much of China. Is also cultivated in Europe, U.S.A, Latin America, Australia and northern Africa.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Well, first of all tanabata is a Japanese star festival, and as I know is original from China. It celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi ( the stars Vega and Altair ), and there are some legends about them.  The date of Tanabata varies by region of the country, but the first festivities begin on July 7 of the Gregorian calendar.

Legend  Tanabata was inspired by the famous Chinese folklore story, "The Princess and the Cowherd".
The most popular version is:
Orihime (is the Weaving Princess), daughter of the Tentei (is the Sky King, or the universe itself), wove beautiful clothes by the bank of the Amanogawa (天の川 Milky Way, lit. "heavenly river"). Her father loved the cloth that she wove and so she worked very hard every day to weave it. However, Orihime was sad that because of her hard work she could never meet and fall in love with anyone. Concerned about his daughter, Tentei arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi (彦星 Cow Herder Star) (also referred to as Kengyuu (牽牛)) who lived and worked on the other side of the Amanogawa. When the two met, they fell instantly in love with each other and married shortly thereafter. However, once married, Orihime no longer would weave cloth for Tentei and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to stray all over Heaven. In anger, Tentei separated the two lovers across the Amanogawa and forbade them to meet. Orihime became despondent at the loss of her husband and asked her father to let them meet again. Tentei was moved by his daughter’s tears and allowed the two to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month if she worked hard and finished her weaving. The first time they tried to meet, however, they found that they could not cross the river because there was no bridge. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies came and promised to make a bridge with their wings so that she could cross the river. It is said that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies cannot come and the two lovers must wait until another year to meet.


The Gregorian dates of "the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the Japanese lunisolar calendar" for the coming years are:
  • 2012-08-24
  • 2013-08-13
  • 2014-08-02
  • 2015-08-20
  • 2016-08-09
  • 2017-08-28
  • 2018-08-17
  • 2019-08-07
  • 2020-08-25

Monday, 30 July 2012

Emily Brontë

  Since she's my favourite writer I will like to share some facts and some of her poetry.  Emily Brontë was born on 30 July 1818 in Thornton. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Brontë and the fifth of six children. In 1824, the family moved to Haworth, where Emily's father was perpetual curate, and it was in these surroundings that their literary gifts flourished.  First published under Emily’s pseudonym Ellis Bell, the combination of its structure and elements of passion, mystery and doomed love as well as social commentary have made Wuthering Heights an enduring masterpiece.

Love And Friendship

Love is like the wild rose-briar;
Friendship like the holly-tree.
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms,
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again,
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then, scorn the silly rose-wreath now,
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That, when December blights thy brow,
He still may leave thy garland green.

To Imagination

Published in the 1846 collection Poems By Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell under Emily's nom de plume 'Ellis Bell'.


When weary with the long day's care,
And earthly change from pain to pain,
And lost, and ready to despair,
Thy kind voice calls me back again:
Oh, my true friend! I am not lone,
While then canst speak with such a tone!

So hopeless is the world without;
The world within I doubly prize;
Thy world, where guile, and hate, and doubt,
And cold suspicion never rise;
Where thou, and I, and Liberty,
Have undisputed sovereignty.

What matters it, that all around
Danger, and guilt, and darkness lie,
If but within our bosom's bound
We hold a bright, untroubled sky,
Warm with ten thousand mingled rays
Of suns that know no winter days?

Reason, indeed, may oft complain
For Nature's sad reality,
And tell the suffering heart how vain
Its cherished dreams must always be;
And Truth may rudely trample down
The flowers of Fancy, newly-blown:

But thou art ever there, to bring
The hovering vision back, and breathe
New glories o'er the blighted spring,
And call a lovelier Life from Death.
And whisper, with a voice divine,
Of real worlds, as bright as thine.

I trust not to thy phantom bliss,
Yet, still, in evening's quiet hour,
With never-failing thankfulness,
I welcome thee, Benignant Power;
Sure solacer of human cares,
And sweeter hope, when hope despairs!


Published in the 1846 collection Poems By Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell under Emily's nom de plume 'Ellis Bell'.


Ah! why, because the dazzling sun
Restored our Earth to joy,
Have you departed, every one,
And left a desert sky?

All through the night, your glorious eyes
Were gazing down in mine,
And, with a full heart's thankful sighs,
I blessed that watch divine.

I was at peace, and drank your beams
As they were life to me;
And revelled in my changeful dreams,
Like petrel on the sea.

Thought followed thought, star followed star,
Through boundless regions, on;
While one sweet influence, near and far,
Thrilled through, and proved us one!

Why did the morning dawn to break
So great, so pure, a spell;
And scorch with fire the tranquil cheek,
Where your cool radiance fell?

Blood-red, he rose, and, arrow-straight,
His fierce beams struck my brow;
The soul of nature sprang, elate,
But mine sank sad and low!

My lids closed down, yet through their veil
I saw him, blazing, still,
And steep in gold the misty dale,
And flash upon the hill.

I turned me to the pillow, then,
To call back night, and see
Your worlds of solemn light, again,
Throb with my heart, and me!

It would not do--the pillow glowed,
And glowed both roof and floor;
And birds sang loudly in the wood,
And fresh winds shook the door;

The curtains waved, the wakened flies
Were murmuring round my room,
Imprisoned there, till I should rise,
And give them leave to roam.

Oh, stars, and dreams, and gentle night;
Oh, night and stars, return!
And hide me from the hostile light
That does not warm, but burn;

That drains the blood of suffering men;
Drinks tears, instead of dew;
Let me sleep through his blinding reign,
And only wake with you!